'This page is a collection of 4 Bamboo products made with love'
Exploring bamboo and converting bamboo into products relevant to Indian households is what I was aiming at with my products. While the world is becoming more and more urbanised, bamboo proves to be a miracle material that provides us with an opportunity to make greener choices with the products we bring into our houses. I saw this project as a beginning of a small initiative to move towards a low polluting, sustainable society in this age of modern materials and environmental crisis.
This product has been made on the lathe with utmost dexterity. It brings out the beautiful texture of Bamboo. 
As designers, form and aesthetics are key considerations for us while designing products. Bamboo acts as a perfect canvas for us to blend the form and natural texture to achieve products that are pleasing to look at, hold and feel.
It can be used as a jar to store dry things like coffee, tea, salt, sugar. It comes with a Lid that seals the jar perfectly to prevent the contents from getting spoilt.
It is a perfect replacement for the typical plastic, steel or aluminium storage jars that people have in their homes.
It is a perfect switch from artificially fabricated products to natural materials found around us for that perfect earthy and rustic feeling.

Scope- This can be made with different carving techniques as per customer preferences. The produced can also be painted in case the user desires.
For Indians, Chai is not merely a beverage. It’s a cup brimming with emotions. This product is a teacup holder for the traditional Indian tea glass. It has been designed out of sheer love for chai. It is perfect for a 'chai pe charcha' session. 
Be it morning, evening or even in the middle of the night, Indians never shy away from having a good cup of chai at the nearest tea stall. This pyaali is a perfect companion to that perfect glass of chai.
It has an adjustable handle to it and a cavity in which the cup sits perfectly. It looks aesthetically very pleasing and is completely functional. 
From parts to joinery to binding, every single item used to bring this product to life has been made out of bamboo.
Bamboo is a strong and bendable material. It can be worked upon with the simplest of tools and then be converted into products of great utility that solve everyday problems.
Serving chai in a glass makes it hot and not very comfortable to hold for the customer, thus this pyaali can be imagined as a serving solution for cafes like Chaayos or even the local tea stalls. It is also a wonderful conversation starter.
This product is a beautiful example of how sometimes the simplest of ideas can solve everyday problems. While the product above this, CHAI KI PYAALI  is something that can be an interesting way of serving chai in cafes, the local tea stalls would love to go for something that is readily available, easy to make and doesn't require much investment on their part.
The product here is a simple bamboo ring that doubles up as a cup holder to prevent the fingers from getting burned while holding and sipping from the hot glass of chai.
Bamboo rings are easy to make and are often left out as waste while the rest of the bamboo is utilised for some other purposes.
The product is not only a simple and effective solution for serving Chai in a glass but also an effective method for bamboo waste management.
This product is a drinking mug or glass for beverages. The material quality of bamboo allows for both hot and cold beverages to be poured into this product. It is easy to hold in hand has a beautiful natural texture on the surface.
Surface finish can vary depending on the type of bamboo available. The surface can be beautified with carvings.
My Learning
Bamboo gives us n number of opportunities to mould it as we like. Each step of working with bamboo brings something new to light. It proves to be a great substitute for other non-biodegradable material choices available in the market. With its extraordinary strength and other material qualities, Bamboo can very well be called the next Miracle material. Working with bamboo has ignited a spark in me to look at materials differently and make products that provide the end-users to switch to eco-friendly choices.

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